We were suppose to go the the park by Regan & Greysen's house last week, but it was a yucky day, so we played in Aunt Heather's backyard. The kids had lots of fun.
David decided to dump all of his legos on the floor so that he could sit in the basket.
Since going to the Mardi Gras parade in Chalmette, David loves to play with beads. This particular morning he had to have all of them on before he would eat his breakfast.
Since I had a birthday this week, Tim thought I was old enough to start driving a minivan. I was hesitant at first because of the word "minivan", but I love it. I think it will be great when we start taking family vacations.
David has now figured out how to open up a kitchen drawer. While Mommy was cooking, David decided to pull all of the spoons out of the drawer and arrange them on floor for me. At least he couldn't reach the knives (yet).
Greysen's 2nd Birthday party was all about books. Aunt Heather had a lot of fun activities using 5 or 6 different books. All of Greysen's grandparents had to read a book to the kids. It was a lot of fun.
One day Aunt Abby was sick so Aaron came over to play with David. David had lots of fun holding him and hugging him. He was also quick to help out by putting Aaron's pacifier back in his mouth.