The first thing we did was attend a character breakfast.
JoJo's Circus & Little
Einsteins were there.
JoJo came out first. When David saw her, he said "I not like her". Leo, from Little
Einsteins was the first character he liked and would take a picture with. The characters were great. I was very impressed. They really worked to get the kids comfortable to be around them. By the end, David liked
JoJo. He still didn't want anything to do with her sidekick, Goliath, the Lion.
David, Mommy & Leo

David, Daddy & June from Little Einsteins
JoJo holding David's cup of milk while he took a sip.

Gram & Paw-Paw had to have a little fun with the characters also.

Taking pictures while Daddy was playing...I mean, riding.

Paw-Paw, Gram, Mommy David taking a picture.
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