Friday, January 14, 2011

An interview with a child

I follow the blog of Beth Moore's daughter, Amanda. She has a little boy about the same age as David. Amanda did an interview with her son and I thought it was cute so I stole the idea. David was home sick today from school so we had the perfect time to do this, or so I thought. He said he would be a willing participant, but he was distracted by Mickey Mouse on tv for a few of the answers.

1. What is something Mommy always says to you?
when I am bad or good

2. What makes Mommy happy?
when I do something good

3. What makes Mommy sad?
when I do something bad

4. How does Mommy make you laugh?
You tickle me and then I laugh

5. What was Mommy like as a child?

6. How old is Mommy?
i don't know. just tell me it.

7. How tall is Mommy?
really big

8. What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?
cook....this answer made me laugh

9. What does Mommy do when you're not around?

10. If Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?

11. What is Mommy really good at?
I am glad someone else appreciates my singing abilities besides God.

12. What is Mommy not very good at?
riding in cars

13. What does Mommy do for her job?
turn the fans on and sing

14. What is Mommy's favorite food?
hot fries

15. What makes you proud of Mommy?
watch tv

16. If Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
David: wearing a suit Me: what would my name be? David: Goofy

17. What do you and Mommy do together?

18. How are you and Mommy the same?
we are nosey heads

19. How are you and Mommy different?
b/c your not a boy

20. How do you know Mommy loves you?
b/c it hurts your heart.
I always tell David that I love him so much it hurts my heart b/c my heart isn't big enough for all the love I have for him.

21. Where is Mommy's favorite place to go?

David wanted a turn, but the interview didn't last longer than 2 questions.

What is your favorite place to go?

What is your favorite thing to do every day?
spending time with you

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